Sunday, November 4, 2007

Email from dentist Juan Carlos Letona Villa

Received November 1 from Juan Carlos Letona Villa, the dentist who accompanied Reach Out Children’s Fund in the trip described below:

Hello Anne and how are you? OK I have to try to explain in english , but sorry for the mistakes. I explain you from my work, dentist.

First in Yanamayo I think I did better work than Chauyacocha and Chupani becase I had more material (the ionomero de vidrio). This material it`s very important for my work because I can safe a lot of tooths. In Kelcanca had more childrens than Yanamayo but they are better than Yanamayo. I try to saw at all childrens but not all come because this day the rain was very strong. The problem in my work was the material because tre ionomoro de vidrio was insufficent for Kelcanca, but I saw you all children.

In summary to pay attention in this villages was good, the people was happy, even though the childrens don´t known you, don´t see you, they felt grateful in their faces, they had a smile. It´s dificult to explain you but you have to feel good, the childrens recive your help, thank you.

The situation in general is serious. Of 20 tooth, 10 are tooth decay and have alot of infections and others illness. They need more help.

OK, I have to improve my english, and again sorry for the mistakes. If you need more information you [only] have to write me. I am ready to help you to help.

Juan Carlos from Ollantaytambo, Cusco, PerĂº