Monday, July 28, 2008

Lunch Program Continues and Boots/Socks purchased for All Children of Remote Villages

July 28, 2008

Hello ROCF Friends and Supporters-

We wanted to forward you more photos that Felix has sent to us and share what's been going on with the Reach Out Children's Fund.

You will be happy to know that all the children of the remote villages of Chaullococcha, Chupani, Yanamayo, and Kelcanca have received boots and socks to help protect their feet during the winter months.

Also, the lunch program continues, and we have added rice and eggs to the menu of oatmeal, milk, and fruit or vegetable.

Enjoy the photos, and as always, thank you for your support :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Boots Come to the Children of the Mountains

May 13, 2008

Hello ROCF Friends and Supporters-

We wanted to share with you a new project ROCF is supporting---supplying the children who live at the highest elevations, in the villages of Kelcanca, Yanamayo, Chupani, and Chaullococcha, with boots to protect their feet in the cold, winter months ahead. In the pictures, you will see Felix, ROCF's Peruvian liason, fitting a child in her boots. Felix is in the midst of going to all four of these villages, measuring shoe sizes, going to Cusco and purchasing the boots, and returning to the villages with the boots and two pairs of socks for each child. Winter is just around the corner for these children, and the boots are coming just in time.

It costs approximately $6.oo for a pair of boots and $2.00 for 3 pairs of socks. If you would like to contribute to this program, please send a tax deductible donation to Reach Out Children's Fund, 323 East Commerce St., Milford, MI 48381. Remember we are a non-profit, 501 (c)(3) organization and are staffed by volunteers, so 100% of your donation goes toward assisting these communities.

Enjoy the photos :)

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Students Receive Supplies for Start of New School Year

March 27, 2008
Photos from Felix

Students Receive School Supplies at Start of a New School Year

March 27, 2008

Hello ROCF Friends and Supporters-

As many of you know, Peru lies in the Southern Hemisphere and is on the opposite schedule of seasons as we are here in the Northern Hemisphere. While we are anxiously awaiting the Spring weather and our kids are gearing up for their summer vacations, the children of Peru are just starting a new school year. It is Fall in the Andes and the Quechua students of Huilloc, Yanamayo, Quelcanca, Chaullococcha, and Chupani are settling into an new routine with their teachers and fellow students.

To help the children start the school year off properly, ROCF has equiped each student with school supplies such as paper, notebooks, pencils, erasures, etc. Your continued support has provided these materials and the children, their families, and we, at ROCF, would like to thank you!

Felix, our trusty Peru liason, sent us some pictures when he made his delivery. We hope you enjoy them as much as we have.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Follow-Up Dental Visits

February 26, 2008

Hello ROCF Friends and Supporters,

We wanted to send you one more update with photos. The dentist, Juan Carlos Leroma Villa, we hired in October 2007 to treat the children of Huilloc, Chaulloccocha, Chupani, Yanamayo, and Kelkanka, did a follow-up visit in December. This was just before students were leaving for their summer break and a good time to give them a check-up and provide them with additional dental hygiene supplies. He sent us detailed reports of the condition of the childrens' dental health along with some nice pictures. We are now passing them along to you to enjoy! Please know, it is because of your commitment, that these children are receiving such services.

Best wishes!

Summer Lunch Program and Photos

Feb. 26, 2008

Hello ROCF Friends and Supporters-

I just wanted to give you a quick update and a chance to view some photos from the summer lunch program that is now in full swing. Our Ollantaytambo liason, Felix Neyra Quispe, purchases the supplies and delivers them to the remote villages. Several fathers and mothers of each village are running the program throughout the summer. Thanks to your assistance, these children are receiving healthy meals while they are out of school! What make this program successful is the combined efforts of your donations, ROCF's gathering and delivering supplies, and the community commitment to providing the's truly a team effort!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

January Update

January 3, 2008

Hello All-

With 2007 having come to an end, we wanted to thank each of you, again, for your support of Reach Out Children's Fund. With your assistance, here are some of the projects we have been able to support since our return from Peru this past October.

1. Begin a trout farm at Huilloc to supplement the children's diet.

2. Start a greenhouse/garden program at Huilloc to enrich the children's learning and supplement their diet.

3. Sponsor a Christmas Celebration at each of the 5 villages: Huilloc, Chaullococcha, Chupani, Yanamayo, and Quelcanca.

4. Continue the lunch program in each village.

5. Hire the dentist and nurse to return to all five villages in order to treat the children and their families before school lets out for summer break.

6. Research solar energy to use in the remote villages.

7. Continue to sponsor the sixth grade promotion trip at Huilloc, and new this year, Chupani and Chaullococcha.

8. Building improvements to classrooms in Huilloc and Chaullococcha.

9. Purchase needed clothing and shoes.

10. Assist the teachers in providing the necessary school supplies.

These efforts have all continued because of you! The children and their families are so grateful, as are we at ROCF.

We look forward to a promising year for the children of Reach Out Children's Fund. And, with your continued support, we can assist the villages of Huilloc, Chaullococcha, Chupani, Yanamayo, and Quelcanca in improving the quality of life for the children of their communities.

Happy New Year!

Best Wishes,

Anne Schimmel Beck

Renee Champagne

Tania Hoppe